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Becoming a Freemason

Joining an organisation such as the Freemasons is a serious undertaking. Membership can bestow great benefits in terms of friendships and opportunities to help the less fortunate, even though it may clash with other important lifestyle

commitments.Therefore, the following step-by-step guide is used to ensure that prospective members are encouraged to join for the right reasons, and at the right time in their lives.


The first and most important step is to satisfy yourself that it is an organisation you really want to join, and have no expectations that will not be met. In particular, those who have joined because they had been misled into thinking it would give them business or career advantages have invariably been disappointed and resigned their membership after only a short time.



There are certain things that are formally required, 

before an application for membership is accepted:



Belief in a Supreme Being.

This depends on an individual's religion, 

and there is no bias or preference in favour of one faith or another.



Freedom of choice. 

Your Lodge will need to be assured that you are acting entirely 

under your own volition, and are under no pressure from anybody else.



You are over 21 years of age.


You are known to be of good character.



The Process


A suitable Lodge has to be selected.

The choice depends on where you are already known, and on practical things such as the convenience of the meeting schedule and its days and dates,

 as well as the ability to get to the meeting places.


A proposer and seconder must be found in the selected Lodge. 

While it is preferred that these people have known you for a long time, there are cases when a person can be vouched for by members of other Lodges
(perhaps in other parts of the country), 

and can then be proposed on comparatively short acquaintance 

as a result of that recommendation.



The Interview


The Lodge will require any prospective member to be

interviewed by members of the Lodge Committee. This is not a “grilling”.


It is intended to ensure the following things before you finally make up your mind:


That you do not have unreasonable expectations 

in terms of benefits of membership.


That you have discussed it with your immediate family, 

and that they support your decision.


That you know what it will cost,
and what is expected by way of charitable contribution.


That you understand the genuine principles of Freemasonry, and will support them.


That you are in a position to make a regular attendance at Lodge meetings.


That you are at liberty to ask any questions that may be on your mind,
and receive frank and helpful answers.

There may be other such questions, according to the situation of particular Lodges.


If you wish to proceed, and if the members of the Lodge Committee are sure you are clear about what you propose to do, there will be a ballot among the Lodge members, normally within a couple of months. 


If you know of any reason why any

existing member may not wish you to join, you should discuss this frankly

with the Committee beforehand. 

Your views and comments are treated in strictest confidence, and they may be able to help you overcome any problem. Subject to an acceptable ballot, you will be advised of the arrangements for you to join.



You can withdraw your application at any time.

St John’s Lodge No. 827 - Profile


St John’s Lodge, No.827 was Consecrated in 1860 and is based at the Masonic Temple, Halifax Rd, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire. It is the only Craft Lodge that meets at the building and is one of two lodges based in Dewsbury.


St John’s Lodge formally meets on the first Monday of every month, where we admit and progress members, unless that is a Bank Holiday when the Meeting is moved to the second Monday. The Meetings normally start at 7.00pm. After the Monthly Lodge Meeting we have a three course meal, Festive Board, which currently costs £17.00 Our Annual Lodge Subscriptions are £190.00 The dress code for the formal meeting is a dark suit, plain black or Masonic tie and black shoes.


The Lodge also practices on every Thursday at 7:30pm (unless it is a Bank Holiday).  We practice ritual and our ceremonies and then spend time socialising.


Our Lodge has a good reputation for the quality of its ceremonies. We take our ritual and ceremonies seriously, everyone does their best, but we also like to have fun and enjoy ourselves, particularly at the Festive Boards. Where we are known for being a very welcoming and friendly lodge and our visitors often return again and again.


The Lodge has a mixed membership which comprises individuals from all backgrounds and age ranges. The youngest member is 26 and the oldest member 92. The members who are mainly over 40, come from a variety of jobs (employed, running their own businesses, retired) but they all get along and are treated as equals in the Lodge.


We welcome new members who may be introduced by existing members or approach us via the Provincial or Grand Lodge websites. They should be able to mix easily with other people and show respect. They must believe in a supreme being, be male, be over 18 and have no criminal convictions. 


Membership of the Lodge enables you to meet like minded people, to develop new friendships and become involved in an organisation that is said to make good men better.


The Lodge has an active social scene and families and friends are encouraged to join us. These events range from Sunday Lunches, Christmas Carol Service and Lunch, Children’s Christmas Party, Quiz’s, Lodge Trips out, Ladies After Lodge Meetings, etc.


The Lodge takes its charity responsibilities very seriously and supports local organisations as well as applying for Provincial Grants for local charities and local voluntary organisations. We are invited to make donations to Masonic and non-Masonic causes. How much each individual donates is up to you and your own personal situation. There is no minimum or maximum level of donation.


We enjoy each others company and are very inclusive and supportive of all our members, who are encouraged to progress should they wish to.  We are a very friendly, sociable Lodge, providing good companionship and friendship. 


Please explore our website ( which contains a lot more information about our Lodge and its history.

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©2020 by St John's Lodge

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